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Awards recognize pursuit of excellence

阅读量:841    本文字数:157

Tu Jun and Li Xinran

Ten institutions and two individuals received the Jiading District Quality Awards this year for their performance in advocating quality and pursuing excellence.

Kostal (Shanghai) Management Co and Hou Xia, laboratory director of the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, were honored the Jiaiding District Director Quality Awards.

Three companies, including Warom Technology Incorporated Co, Shanghai Karon Valve Machinery Co and Shanghai Re-Fire Technology, and Meng Ying, Party secretary of Anting Social Welfare Institute, were given Jiaiding District Quality Golden Awards.

Six other institutions, including Jiading No. 1 High School, Jiading Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital,  Jiading Library, China CYTS MICE Shanghai Service Co, Huate Group and ECH company, received Jiaiding District Quality Innovation Awards.

Through commending a group of institutions and individuals with high-quality management, remarkable innovation ability and leading roles in economic and social development, Jiading established a benchmark to create a good atmosphere for pursuing excellence.

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